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Chain Sling FAQ's
We're constantly expanding this area to bring you answers to your Frequently Asked Questions about Chain Sling Certification & Compliance
Are your chains fully tested & compliant with ASME and OSHA?
Answer...Our chain slings and components are fully compliant with OSHA and ASME regulations. Each sling we manufacture is load-tested and certified to be 100% compliant.
What load is applied during the testing process?
Answer...We load test each chain leg to 2 X the Working Load Limit (WLL)
How often do I need to re-test my chain sling?
Answer...You should only need to re-test your chain sling if it has been modified or subject to a suspected overload.
How often do I need to inspect/re-certify my chain sling?
Answer...Besides a pre-use inspection before every lift your chains need inspecting and re-certifying every 6 months to remain compliant.
I broke my safety catch, can I still use my sling?
Answer...Generally speaking no, you should replace your safety catch as soon as possible. Some inspectors will give a small tollerance of time for replacing this component, others will condemn the item immediately- consult your inspection body.
Do the slings come with tags?
Answer...Yes, each sling is tagged with a robust steel tag which includes a unique serial/ID number which provides full manufacture traceability as well as stating the sling Working Load Limits (WLL's)